Friday, 3 July 2015

The Medusa Touch (1978)

Love The Medusa Touch, I've watched it a quite a few times through the years and it continues to entertain at whatever age.  Here's an brief and fleeting image that has almost nothing to do with the main plot.  These are, however, recycled Space 1999 spacesuits, so we'll make a big deal of it over here.


1 comment:

  1. Maybe it's a sign of the times....where as The SHADO/Doppleganger spacesuit design has a huge history...starting with Doppleganger/Journey to the Far Side of the Sun 1968,UFO, The Goodies, Doomwatch etc. till at least remains of one seen in The Tommorrow People.The Space 1999, design, has one other appearance and that is in The Medusa Touch as a photograph of the the astronauts of Achilles 6 and that is it. That 'it's or 'Sign of the times', 1977 is that film and TV studio memorabilia had become or was more easily collectatable items by Joe Public over those in ' the industry' alone, and as such 1999 props where brought by 'private collectors'and not then used in other productions?

    Kerry Endacotte
