Wednesday 14 January 2015

Extant (2014)

 "I went to space on a 13-month solo mission. I didn't come home alone. My husband created a life-like android called a "Humanich". His name is Ethan: he's the prototype. This is a story about Earth, a story about family, a story about surviving."

Didn't watch this.  Reviews and thoughts welcome in the comments from those that did.



  1. the Story of Extant play on earth with flash back to what happened in space
    the episodes i have seen show not this suit
    but i guess this here is more a Hazmat suit then a Space Suit

    1. Think its from the last episode. I read it was a spacesuit but would welcome confirmation. Come on, some one out there must have watched it? Didn't they?

    2. Starts on one of the UK channels from episode one again, next week so I might give it a watch

  2. This one reminds me a little of the very weird looking suit from the italian SF epic Starcrash for some reason

  3. The suit (but not the helmet) looks though it may have been inspired by the MIT Biosuit.

    1. It does. Interestingly, a friend had sent me an image of the biosuit on facebook only a couple of days ago.

  4. Watched episode one and thought it was OK. Started watching episode 2 and realised 10 minutes in that I just didn't care.
