Tuesday 12 August 2014

2001: A Space Odyssey - Green T Productions (2013)

Drawing on 20 years of experience with traditional dance and theatre styles as a launch pad, Green T Productions re-imagines Stanley Kubrick's and Arthur C Clark's iconic film
Natalie Rae Wass as Dave Bowman in the stage version of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Cheers Leslie....now that's fairly obscure.


  1. Theres an very interesting ltd ed book telling the complete story of the making of 2001 chock full of never before seen pictures including pics of what the monolith aliens would`ve looked like,unfortunately it costs around $750usd and appears to be already sold out,but you can see some of the pics in this article

    1. Brilliant find Tim, thanks for the heads up. Price is mental but having worked in a bookshop or two that's not the first time Taschen has done this kind of expensive limited print collectors thing. The shame is they would sell a lot of copies of a cheaper edition. - some stunning pictures either way.
