Friday, 4 May 2012

Luna (1965)

Regular followers of this blog may well be aware of the Russian sci-fi film Planeta Bur as it's had three posts so far.
What I've failed to mention is that it was directed and produced by Pavel Klushantsev who also made this speculative documentary about the moon a few years later.
I don't talky the Russian tongue so I can't tell you what they're saying about the subject matter but there's some very nice shots of asteroid strikes and lava bubbling up through the broken rock crust and there are also these lovely space suits. 
Experiments are conducted by these red spacemen that illustrate the divergent temperatures and the lower gravity.  It goes on to suggest that safe habitats could be made below the ground and ends with a full city and a happy family of moon-folk living and working there.  Its all so much more fun than what actually happened and so much more colourful than the truth.
The rumour has it that this was pulled from the public viewing once the Americans actually landed  on the moon but  whatever its factual accuracy it remains a visual feast for the eyes and another glimpse into the mind of a fantastic film maker.
Now enjoy the full gallery.



  1. Thanks for alerting me to this. I sometimes have looked on youtube for more Soviet SF and older documentaries, but I somehow missed this.

  2. content://

    She is so stunning. And she looks really great in that Bulky Heavy Red Spacesuit.
