Monday, 14 October 2013

Benson & Hedges advert (????)

I used to smoke and for the most part I used to smoke B&H.  One day when they make fags that are much cheaper, full of vitamins and less smelly I might start all over again but until such times arrive I'm quite happy to leave them in the past.
If anyone know which bit of the past this image is from please let us know.


  1. Do you remember those wacky B&H cinema adds? They were from the late 70's and 80's probably, they look hilariously dated if you catch sight of 'em these days. Not quite as bad the Silk Cut/Zulu pastiche that John Bird must cringe at though.

    1. I remember the random magazine images but now realise, having just watched some ads on youtube, that the images relate to them. Can't help feeling they overthought them. Just should have been some chap, sucking in a deep lungful and then saying: Ahh! bloody lovely. being young and ignorant had its pleasures, did it not. And that Zulu/ silk cut ad is in fantastic bad taste and head shakingly entertaining.

  2. Benson & Hedges 100s based their advertising on their extra-long 100mm cigarettes. So there were funny TV and print ads where smokers ended up crushing their unexpectedly-long cigarettes against mirrors, windows, etc. or simply sported a kink at the end.

    Guess you had to be there.

    1. That's ringing a few bells, actually. Whilst acknowledging them being a very "naughty" product, I do miss cigarette adverts.
