Saturday, 14 May 2011

Planeta Bur (1962) Gallery

I was thinking about Planeta Bur again today and I reminded myself of just how wonderful the visuals were generally and the space suits in particular....and now I'm going to remind you to, with a little gallery of images not seen over here before.  Enjoy.



  1. One of the things that struck me about this film are the subtle hints that one of the cosmonauts is actually an astronaut.

    The robot's name is English, "Iron John," and a character's suit is subtly different: in the pictures here, you can see that one of the chest-mounted lights is rectangular instead of circular.

    1. Well noticed. Gives me an excuse to investigate further

  2. Apologies; commenting to subscribe.

    1. Thanks for the plug and the comments.......2001 backpack in UFO?? Didn't notice last time I worked through the boxsets. Any further clues? Episode title?

    2. I wish I could say I could confirm it, but I can't.

      In an interview, either Ed Bishop or Billington stated that they used a backpack from 2001 in a scene where two astronauts were doing a spacewalk. They had one backpack so it had to be swapped between them.

      Offhand, I can only think of one episode where two men did a spacewalk: _The Man Who Came Back_.

    3. I watched snippets of two UFO episodes: "The Man Who Came Back" and "Close Up", which I think have the only spacewalks in the series. Neither one uses the 2001 Discovery backpack. Close Up has what might possibly be the Clavius backpack, but I'm not sure.

      It's a shame, because it seems pretty likely if you think about it. We know that the Discovery backpack appeared in other British series, and UFO was filmed in the same studio. Still, at this point I think this was a mistake on the actor's part or mine.
