Thursday 28 January 2016

Astronauts in Trouble (2015)

Larry Young's early 2000s series Astronauts In Trouble is being reprinted at Image, re-serialized as a monthly comic book .  These are a couple of the new covers by Charlie Adlard, of whom I'm something of  a fan, having enjoyed his early work on the X-Files comic and his present work on The Walking Dead.  Must confess I've yet to pick this up although its riding high on my get round to very soon list.

If you've read some and you want to share your thoughts then post in the comments below.


Sunday 24 January 2016

Alien (1979)

A fantastic picture showing the alternative spacesuits from the 1979 Classic.  My guess is Scott kept moving the same ones around from set to set to maintain the cluttered functional aesthetic of the Nostromo.  We've looked at them before in pictures like the one below but some pictures are worth showing more than once and this times it's in Black and White so that must make it art!


Saturday 23 January 2016

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Prometheus (2012) The secret spacesuit

There it is
 Just there
Impressively odd.


Monday 11 January 2016

Saying; Goodbye Starman

A life well lived.  A legacy to enrich an infinite of number life times and knowing all of that this still hurts beyond the ability of words to explain the sense of loss.

Saturday 9 January 2016

Six Days on Luna One (USSR1965)

Russian translation of the 1963 Czech book "Šest dnů na Luně 1" (1963). Illustration by Teodor Rotreckl

For much more of this and lots of other lovely stuff, go here:-  You'll love it.

Tom Corbett Space Cadet Push-Outs (1952)

Is this a treat or what!
For more pages and lots of other great space goodness go here;-  and feed you imagination.


Dan McPharlin

This is just some of the varied work of Australian artist Dan McPharlin.  I've been looking at this guys work for a while now and I think its pretty amazing stuff.  Look him up on the internet and give your eyes and mind a treat.  Start Here:-

I'm off to see if you can buy prints.  The one below has a lovely 70's sci-fi vibe that would sit well upon the wall of my man-cave.


Thursday 7 January 2016

Dark Matter (2015)

Has anybody watched this series?  Is it worth a look?


Saturday 2 January 2016

Visit to a Small Planet (1960)

Jerry Lewis plays Kreton, a childish alien who, against his teacher's wishes, leaves his planet to visit the Earth and study humanity.


Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)

Independence Day: Resurgence.  That's Independence Day the sequel coming sometime in the middle of  this year.  I think I don't care enough to see this but here are some nice looking spacesuits from the trailer.


Petlya Oriona (1981)

Petlya Oriona aka Orions Loop is another film from the Soviet Union, as it was once known.
From IMDB, because I've never had the pleasure.... "A strange phenomenon has been noticed on the outskirts of our Solar system that quickly approaches the Earth. It's called "Orion's Loop." A spaceship with a crew of people and androids identical to them is sent to intercept the anomaly. But strange events start happening as the spaceship approaches the mysterious loop."

Thanks again to Tim, for the pointer