Sunday 23 August 2015

Harry Lange

The man

 The iconic work
And another of his just because I like the image.

Now I don't normally do adverts but this might be interesting to a lot of readers of this blog so I'll tell myself its a public service announcement...
The 2001 File: Harry Lange and the Design of the Landmark Science Fiction Film Hardcover – 22 Oct 2015.   336 pages with over 600 images and illustrations.


The Comic Strip Presents: Space Virgins from Planet Sex (1993)

The Comic Strip team do a riff on 50's Sci-fi B movie.  I watched them all back in the day but I don't really remember this one.  Perhaps it's not their finest hour.


Thursday 20 August 2015

Test Pilota Perxa (1978)

Test pilota Pirxa is a joint Polish-Soviet film from 1978.  It is based on the story The Inquest by Stanisław Lem from his short story collection More Tales of Pirx the Pilot.
The movie is about "finite nonlinears," robots that closely resemble human beings but are even more perfect than humans. They are intended to eventually replace human beings in space flights. Somewhat apprehensive about their usefulness, the United Nations sets up a space flight to determine their reactions to the human beings who also make up the crew. Pirx is selected as a commander of the flight, although the identity of the robots is not revealed to him...



Sunday 16 August 2015

Vozvrashchenie s orbity (1985)

Best image I can find for the time being.  Vozvrashchenie s orbity is a fairly obscure East German film from back in the 80's.  I'll add and update as and when but until then here's a very nice Czechoslovakia poster for the film by designer; Zdeněk Vlach, to keep you going.
I amaze my self sometimes.  It must have been a whole two minute later that I found these.

I'm good to you lot!


Wednesday 12 August 2015

Superman Returns (2006)

Richard Branson again, amongst others.


Tuesday 11 August 2015

Richard Branson

Virgin boss and Jesus looky-likey; Richard a space suit or two because Branson gets these ideas into his head and there isn't no one that can talk him round.
One day Richard might fly us all into space although maybe not while wearing that helmet.
Hands back on the steering wheel, Branson.


Expo (2012)

 Short film by Joe Sill.  Entertaining if not just a little bit overdone.  Its got a look to it though!


Space Buddies (2009)

Space Buddies..... 
"Disney's pups are back and take one small step for dog and one giant leap for dogkind"
Nothing would make me watch this and nor should any of you.  I feel bad for blogging this but I'm a completest and can't help my self.
Lets never speak of it again.


The Martian (2015)

Just back from my holibobs; 10 days in the sun and sea and plenty of reading time.  First on my list was the novel; The Martian by Andy Weir which was recommend to me by readers of this blog and is without doubt a fine page turner of a read (is it still page turning on a Kindle?).  Thanks guys; a great book I would recommend to anyone who wants all the relaxation taken out of their vacation because they are too concerned about Mark Watney surviving alone on Mars.  Gripping stuff and sort of educational as well.  Go read it before the film and then go and see the film. I will be.
