Monday 20 April 2015

The Secret of the Marauder Satellite by Ted White (1978) Cover by Mike Hinge

The Secret of the Marauder Satellite by Ted White (Berkley Books) from 1978.  The art is by the rather brilliant Mike Hinge.  And here are some inks from a little later on.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Eddie Gaedel - Space Midget! (1959)

Something to do with baseball and entertaining the crowds!  I don't really understand cricket to any great degree so there's no hope of me going into detail here.

"In 1959, Eddie made his last public appearance, dressed as a Martian and appearing out of a flying saucer at Comiskey Park in Chicago. He presented his Martian ray gun to White Sox players Nellie Fox and Minie Minoso"
...... according to one website.  Now you know as much as me.  Still,  great images.


Tuesday 14 April 2015

Unknown Image 1

Any ideas?
It's clearly the same suit as seen in The Net (1953) but I'm not sure if its a publicity still for that film or something else entirely.  The Radio Times used the same suits, the same year to promote the radio series Journey into Space so this could be some other instance of rent a suit.

Would love to know if any of you out there can place the image or the origin of the suit.  I could be doing the costume people a disservice but it looks too particular to be something made just for the film.


Monday 13 April 2015

Space Precinct - Double Duty (1994)

Very early appearance of Idris Elba in a show that no one really remembers or talks about.  I certainly don't.  In this very brief role Idris played a pizza delivery man because everybody has to start somewhere
