I'm not sure about this, but then I wasn't sure about any of the other versions of the FF on celluloid either. In fact, I'm not sure how I feel about the concept as a comic. As a kid I loved guest appearances of The Human Torch in Spider-man comics and I adored Marvel Two-in-One featuring The Thing, but the Fantastic Four as a family superhero team felt old fashioned even way back when I was in short trousers! So I'm probably not going to bother to go and see it but I promise to watch it on TV when they stick it on in a couple of years.
In the mean time here are some very nice looking spacesuits (Dimensionsuits?) which do have it going on however I feel about the movie they are featured in.
I'm sure one of you out there will go and give it a look so be sure to come back here and let me know if I'm missing a treat or not.
And as an aside, while having nothing to do with spacemen, this:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD_k5Y1cpsY is what I'm really looking forwarded to.