Saturday, 29 November 2014

Say; Hello Spaceman - 4 Year Anniversary

The 1st of December will mark Say; Hello Spaceman's 4th Anniversary and its interesting to remind my self of what that particular year was like.

For a number of different reasons 2010 was a fairly wearing time and starting this blog was my way of keeping sane whilst battling through something of a shit-storm of troubles.  None of it was anybody fault, none of it could have been avoided and none of it was down to bad luck so much as just bad timing. Stuff just happened.  Then more stuff happened and then some more stuff happened on top of that.

But you keep on going because what else can you do.  And of course things got better and then things got a lot better and now days life is far more smooth than its crunchy.  And far more fun.

I do this little blog for different reasons now.  After 4 years I think I've built something quite interesting.  I think this blog not only shows us who we used to be but fairly consistently, decade after decade, shows us who we would like to become.  The future beckons and there's something very positive about our unwavering desire to be a part of it.


For RP my enduring companion.  Still laughing and loving

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Six Million Dollar Man - Mission To Mars set (1976)

If you had one of these then you could dress him up to have a Bionic Adventure.  He'd look like this...
Although a much loved toy from my childhood I never actually had this particular set.  Its very cool.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

The Philadelphia Experiment (1984)

One of our occasional "Not Really a Space suit but..."
It's been a few years since I last saw The Philadelphia Experiment but if memory serves this was an electrical insulation suit for surviving the temporal vortex thingy at the end of the movie.  I quite like it and am somewhat surprised it didn't pop up after as a actual spacesuit.  Maybe you all know different.

I think the helmet is familiar and looks to be one of the ones seen in Escape from the Planet of the Apes, Star Wars New Hope and Gets Smart.  I believe it started life in Way..Way Out (1966)  If it is the same then this would be the most recent appearance.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Kadoyng (1972) Part 4

UFO (1970)

Kadoyng (1972)

...and then obscurity.  Doesn't seem right does it.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Spacejacked (1997)

Images from Spacejacked.  I know very little about this other than its not meant to be all that good

Shockwave Darkside (2014)

It is the last Great War and lunar troops are sent into battle for the precious resource. However, one squad is shot down and the five surviving soldiers find themselves stranded. Cut off and behind enemy lines, they start a dangerous journey through snipers and minefields back to their extraction point with only 36 hours of oxygen left. As their numbers dwindle and nerves fray, they make an amazing discovery about the moon that just might save their lives.

This seems to have taken a long time coming.  I'm sure I've had these images in the files for a couple of years.  Weird aren't they, all sort of angular and cornery.


Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Action-Man Space Ranger - Gallery (1980)

Some of the box art and a comic advert - All very nice.


Planet of the Apes Weekly #51 (1975)

UK reprint of the American Marvel comic strips from 1975.  This was an exciting morning's visit to the news agents before school, I can tell you.  Heady stuff for a seven year old.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Journey to Planet X (2012)


Journey to Planet X is a documentary about two guys who like to make Sci-fi movies and with limited budget and no professional experience.  It's meant to be very entertaining and the online trailer seems to back that up.
Has anyone had the pleasure?

Marne's Moonshot - The Museum of Flight - Advert (2012)

Walk in the footsteps of astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Trainer, only at The Museum of Flight. A fixture at NASA's Johnson Space Center for more than three decades, the Trainer was used to train every Space Shuttle Crew, and has now landed in Seattle. Explore the cargo bay and flight deck and discover how America's heroes learned to live and work in space on their way to the International Space Station. Now, you too can be an astronaut.



Sunday, 2 November 2014

Airfix Eagles - Captain Eagle (1978)

A long lost but much loved toy from back in the day.  There were a few different Eagles action figures but this was the coolest because 1978 was all about the Sci-fi and these guys were the same size as Star Wars figures.  If I recall correctly I think Captain Eagles and Han Solo were best mates and along with an army of time-traveller Micronauts often defended the universe from Baron Karza and Darth Vader but that was all in a living room far far away.


View-Master Tom Corbett Space Cadet (1954)

This 1954 View-Master reel (x3) present a science fiction character that was popular in the early 1950s on radio and TV. The figurines and diorama used in these images were created by Florence Thomas as credited in the accompanying booklet.

We had a view-master in our house when I was a kid although we never had this set of discs.  View-Master was a way of seeing pictures in 3D that I'm sure would singularly fail to impress today's youth.  I on the other hand remain haunted by certain images, diversely Tarzen and The Adventures of Rupert the Bear.  That's two separate discs by the way, not the unlikeliest team up ever.
